Dear friendS and followers, Shalom from the Land of the Messiah. It is our desire that you all be in excellent health and appreciate God’s grace and mercy in your life. Although we may face struggles and hardships, remember that Yeshua promised to be with us to the end and that He requires us to go on and be faithful as well.
Let us update you on what is new and what we have been going on. Israel chose to reopen its borders and tourists, visors and pilgrims begin to come back. Not in considerable numbers, but at least those who came back are making the way for the others to come back. They demonstrated that there is nothing to dread. Our days are counted and they are in God’s hands. However, with this I am not saying to be cautious and careful, but rather not to live in fear.

There isn’t a weakening force more harmful than fear, and God commanded us to depend on him and to fear not. So let’s press on and continue to be a witness where He appointed us to be one.
I’d like to welcome the new members of this community list. Thank you for your interest in this land, His word, and what we do. Please reach us through any of our social media or website we are here to serve.

I have an update on my upcoming book Vol 2 of the series, the Land of the Messiah, the text has been revised and edited, and as of this moment, the graphic designer is working on it. So, stay tuned for further progress. I also have been writing down vol 3. I hope and pray these two new books will be ready for the spring and fall of 2022.
By the grace of God, I was able to guide my first group after 20 months of no working. You can’t imagine how happy people were to see tourists again and how happy were the pilgrims enjoying these places without being cramped. They had a great time and I am pleased to know that they were happy with my work. Also, I want to praise the Lord for his protection over our lives during this time.

Unfortunately, our government decided to close the airport again for the next two weeks in fear of a new “variant of the virus”. As mentioned above, fear is not the best source for leading anyone. Unfortunately, this virus is here to stay and we just have to learn to live with it like the flu or a cold, which by the way it has killed more people than this virus.
On another note. I have continued with my teaching live via my YouTube Channel (link below) as our Facebook page, the land of the Messiah. I am leaving the teaching to some of them as well as we are now celebrating our feast of Hanukah.
Let’s keep this report brief and may the Lord bless you through this teaching and bring glory only to Him.
Thank you all for your worship and support.

In Messiah Yeshua
Aviel Israel Superguide